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OCTOBER 7, 2009


The meeting was called to order at 6:01 pm by Supervisor McDonough at the Rosendale Community Center with the Pledge to the Flag.


            PRESENT:       Councilman Kenneth Cluen

                                    Councilman Robert Gallagher

                                    Councilwoman Manna Jo Greene (arrived 6:10 pm)

                                    Councilman Richard Minissali

                                    Supervisor Patrick McDonough

ALSO PRESENT:       Doris Fleming, Town Bookkeeper; Debra Tierney, Deputy Town Clerk; Randolph Horner, NYSERDA; Glenn Debrosky; half dozen members of Bloomington Fire Company.



            Recreation: Frank Klepeis and Diane Bedell represented the Recreation Commission.  Frank asked if the Board had any questions regarding the budget request: Supervisor McDonough noted that the personnel line showed a $4,800 increase; the response was that Heidi is requesting a summer assistant for 20 hours per week.  Frank said they need a grant writer for the pool; Supervisor McDonough said we need to get an engineering report before getting a grant writer.  Supervisor McDonough told the Board that the $50,000 grant from NYS Parks and Recreation for the “old recreation building roof” was finally being released and we can use that for any “recreational use” since we showed them that we have improved the land and they are no longer holding us to a “land swap”.  Councilman Cluen said that he took a grant writing course and used the pool for his course project so he has a lot of material.  Supervisor McDonough stated that he has a new ground plan which was prepared by Brinnier and Larios which includes the ball field, tennis and basketball courts.  Frank noted that a shed will be going in next to the food pantry; Supervisor McDonough said that is okay they are approved by Parks and Recreation.


            Town Clerk: Joan Jordan spoke to the Board that she has cut the budget request to the bare bones and needs the personnel line to stay “status quo”; she also said that nothing but the fire resistant cabinet was included on the equipment line which was being deferred from this budget year to next by the Supervisor.  Supervisor said that he should raise the equipment line some because that price will probably go up.  Joan said no money was put in equipment for a new computer since we purchased an extended warranty but we may still need to replace that computer.  Supervisor McDonough noted that $1,000 was included for a records management consultant which he wants to leave in since we have to get started; Joan said that we have completely run out of room and need to train clerks on records retention which was suggested could be done at staff meetings; also there is a need to establish a records management advisory committee.


            Police Department: Acting Chief Andy Buboltz explained that he broke the budget out using Excel Spreadsheet to give the truest analysis of the budget.  He said that he is showing what he projects to be the salary figures if the contract is settled (they are still receiving 2007 salaries); he showed figures at 10% presuming they will be about 3% each of the three years.  Andy said that the Street Festival (not budgeted for last year) and bike races are reflected as items as well as longevity pay; he is trying to maintain 21 shifts per week.  He stated that one car that is due to be replaced next year has high mileage and a problem with the heating coil which will probably run about $1,000

Discussion took place about replacing the computer server; Silas Whittaker recommends that it is near the end of its life and 2011 is the mandated upgrade of repeaters by the FCC; we need to replace two radios.  On the revenue side Andy included grants (also as expenses) for BUNY (Buckle Up New York) for a total of $20,065 and child safety seats $3200 (seats only).

Councilman Cluen asked about $3,000 for ammunition; Andy said that most of it is for training and they had some left from last year so they need less; state bid you have to buy in 6 month blocks and their price was higher than we paid; he also said that ammo is harder to get right now.  Question was also asked about the tasers; Andy said they were used about 5 times this year; we have 2 and he would like to add one next year.

Councilwoman Greene complimented Andy on doing a really great job on the budget but added “doesn’t mean you’ll get it”.


            Environmental Commission:  Jennifer Metzger represented the Commission and said they are requesting a 3% increase in salary for the clerk and she said that the budget is lower than last years request (not actual budget).  She wants to get the natural resource inventory completed at an estimated cost of $4,000 which must be completed before they can move on to the open space plan for which she would like to apply for a $30,000 grant.  This grant would not be for the Environmental Commission but for an ad hoc committee to do open space study (much like the ad hoc zoning review committee); she also stated they would like web based maps available.  The Biodiversity Committee wants to review and digitize resources and will need about $600 to finish and they would like to train 2 more people to use the ArcView Program at a cost of $350 per person; they now have a laptop computer and she has been trained in the program.  Jennifer discussed the Expo funds saying that last year they made about $3,000 for expanding the solar array but out of that money they also use some as seed money for the following year.  Jennifer also mentioned memberships; she would like to purchase International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) membership at $600 which includes accounting software for tracking carbon emissions; Councilwoman Greene stated that she can’t see spending this kind of money if no one is willing to take on using it and having it set on a shelf as we’ve done before; Jennifer said that she is interested.


Supervisor McDonough announced that we would take a break at 7:05 pm until either someone from the Transfer Station arrives or until 7:30 pm when we will begin the regular Workshop Meeting.


At 7:30 pm Supervisor McDonough reconvened the meeting.


APPOINTMENTS:  Supervisor McDonough stated that since the recent death of Gene Markle there is a vacancy on the Youth Commission and Kathy Wade has recommended that Shane Beitl be appointed to fill that term (until 12/31/2009).  A motion was made by Councilman Cluen; seconded by Councilwoman Greene to appoint Shane Beitl to the Youth Commission.  Roll Vote: 5 Yes

Supervisor McDonough stated that the Court has recommended Elena Ullman be hired as a part-time court clerk for 20 hours per week at $10.00 per hour.

A motion was made by Councilman Minissali; seconded by Councilman Gallagher to appoint Elena Ullman as part-time clerk to the Rosendale Court for 20 hours per week; $10.00 per hour.  Roll Vote: 5 Yes


1). ANNOUNCEMENT:  Supervisor McDonough stated that we are still seeking a volunteer for the Recreation Commission and an Alternate for the Planning Board.


4). PUBLIC HEARING: Supervisor McDonough announced that he would like to move the opening of the public hearing for considering a contract renewal with the Bloomington Fire Company; we had a meeting at the Firehouse in September but it was not announced as a public hearing so we’re here tonight.  The Town Clerk read the Notice of Public Hearing at 7:35 pm.  Councilman Minissali asked what the percentage of the Town of Rosendale was covered by Bloomington; Kevin Hines responded that Rosendale is 80% and the Town of Ulster is 20%.  No further comments were offered at this time; Supervisor McDonough stated that the hearing would be held open for the mandatory time but we would move on with the agenda.


A brief discussion took place between the Board and Randolph Horner with regard to submitting a “stimulus” grant application for solar energy for the High Falls Water District which is jointly operated by the Towns of Rosendale and Marbletown.  The deadline for the application was announced as October 26th; a tentative resolution has been drafted; there will be no costs to the Towns as a consultant has agreed to write the grant for “free”; Councilwoman Greene stated that if the grant is received the writer might expect a small honorary.  Mr. Horner stated that additional funding is coming up and Rosendale can reapply (we did not get the $1.3 million dollar green infrastructure grant) but he feels that pursuing this joint application is in the best interest because of the special collaboration of the municipalities and the district formation by the “superfund”; he stated that this will create jobs now and benefits to the district that will last for 40-50 years.  Mr. Horner recommended that Rosendale apply later as a NYSERDA “stand alone” grant application so as not to be in competition with itself and because Rosendale has money of its own to apply; he also recommended that 1) look at other energy efficiency measures and 2) cost compression will distinguish the project.  Councilwoman Greene stated that there is a 50 kilowatt maximum for the project and Rosendale would be at about 33 kilowatts.  Mr. Horner added that late this afternoon an announcement was made that the filing deadline will have at least one week added and possibly 2 weeks (will know by Friday).  Supervisor McDonough will discuss with Supervisor Pickering-Cole so that the resolutions be compatible and we will present the resolution next week for adoption.


3). CHANGE OF MEETING DATE:  Supervisor McDonough asked Board members if they were aware that our regular meeting for November 11th would fall on Veteran’s Day, a legal holiday, discussion followed and it was agreed that the meeting would be postponed until Thursday, November 12, 2009 at 7:30 pm.


2).PRESENTATION:  Al Wegener gave a presentation about Scenic Byways; 11 municipalities are represented on the Byway.  Al reported that the highway law has been amended and signed to add the byway through the hamlet of Gardiner; signs should be up next year at this time; he also referred to the Scenic Byway Development Plan which he said each Board member should have and also be on file.  The mission of the Byway is to preserve the environment and increase the economy; a website for the Byway has been up and running since May 2009 at www.mtnscenicbyway.org.  Al also noted that next year they will have three portable kiosks to share information throughout the municipalities the Byway serves.  A question was presented from the audience about signage along the roadway; Councilwoman Greene noted that signage is up to each town according to their codes or ordinances (home rule); this also applies to lighting.  Kevin Hines asked how this will impact individuals along the route; the response was the same as for signs and lights, home rule.

Councilwoman Greene noted that on November 16th, Rondout Creek Watershed will have an evening of “brainstorming” from 6-9 pm at the Community Center; check Town website.


PUBLIC HEARING CLOSURE: A motion was made by Councilman Gallagher; seconded by Councilman Minissali to close the public hearing on the Bloomington Fire Company Contract at 8:13 pm.  Roll Vote: 5 Yes.


5). RESOLUTION 10-2009-#2 Seeking Sealed Bids for Purchase and Removal of Scrap Metal.  The public notice will be advertised in the Daily Freeman; all sealed bids are due in the Town Clerk’s Office by 12:00 pm on Friday, October 30, 2009.

A motion was made by Supervisor McDonough; seconded by Councilman Cluen to adopt the resolution to seek bids.  Roll Vote:

                        Councilman Cluen                     Yes

                        Councilman Gallagher   Yes

                        Councilwoman Greene  Yes

                        Councilman Minissali                Yes

                        Supervisor McDonough            Yes


6). CENTRAL HUDSON:  A resolution will be presented next week to make modifications to street lighting at the Community Center.  The resolution is to include additional parking lot lighting and to separate the parking lot service from the pool lighting.


7). ROSENDALE ZRC REVISION OF TIMELINE: A resolution will be presented next week to extend the zoning review process and update until April 2010 with consultation from Behan Associates.


8). SCHEDULING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR 2010 BUDGET:  A resolution will be presented next week to set the public hearing on the 2010 Preliminary Budget for Wednesday, November 4, 2009 at 7:30 pm at the Rosendale Community Center.


9). HALLOWEN CURFEW:  A resolution will be presented next week to set the curfew for Halloween, Sunday, October 31st, for those persons under the age of 18.


10). CONTRACT RENEWAL FOR BLOOMINGTON FIRE COMPANY:  A resolution will be presented next week to authorize a three year contract for fire protection in the Town of Rosendale by the Bloomington Fire Company.


11). NATIONAL BREAST CANCER AWARENESS: A resolution will be presented next week recognizing October as National Breast Care Awareness Month.


PUBLIC COMMENTS: Glenn Debrosky noted that DEC has acted and will be conducting a household pharmaceutical collection which will help prevent pollution to our rivers and streams.

Mr. Debrosky also wanted to again address the local dog ordinance; he still feels that the ordinance should clearly state that the dog owner must clean up after pet defecates or they are breaking the law.  He contends that the present wording makes them “lawbreakers” even if they clean up.  Supervisor McDonough stated that the dog control officer and code enforcement have discretion in enforcement of the law; the law does not have to be changed.



1.      Every Sunday – Farmer’s Market at Rec Center

2.      Sat., Oct. 10, by appointment only – UCRRA Household Hazardous Waste & Electronics Collection, 845-336-3336

3.      Mon., Oct. 12 – Columbus Day Observed, TOWN OFFICES CLOSED

4.      Wed., Oct. 14, 7:30pm – Town Board Meeting Community Center

5.      Tues., Oct. 20, 8am to 1pm – Household Pharmaceutical Collection, NYS DEC, 21 N. Putt Corners Rd., New Paltz, Terry Laibach, 845-256-3141

6.      Thurs., Oct. 22, 7:30pm –RCCE Free Home Energy Workshop, Rec Center

7.      Wed., Nov 4 – 7:30pm – public hearing on Rosendale 2010 Preliminary Budget



ABSTRACT #9      VOUCHER’S #901-903 TOTALING $   321.97

SPECIAL LIGHTING                 #   31-33                      $  2,178.63

GENERAL FUND                       #904-967                     $14,943.54

HIGHWAY FUND                      #201-220                     $75,031.41

SEWER FUND                            #139-145                     $     739.52

WATER FUND                           #132-139                     $   2,573.07

PLAYGROUND                          #1                                 $      500.00

VAN FUND                                 #1                                $        21.00

SEWER DEBT                            #5                                 $      117.76


A motion was made by Councilman Minissali to pay the vouchers; seconded by Councilman Cluen.  Roll Vote: 5 Yes.


A motion to adjourn at 8:40 pm was made by Councilwoman Greene; seconded by Councilman Gallagher.  Roll Vote: 5 Yes.


                                                                                    Respectfully submitted,



                                                                                    Joan S. Jordan

                                                                                    Town Clerk