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TOWN OF ROSENDALE                                                          


JUNE 10, 2009


The meeting was called to order at 7:33 pm by Supervisor McDonough at the Rosendale Community Center with the Pledge to the Flag.


            PRESENT:       Councilman Kenneth Cluen

                                    Councilman Robert Gallagher

                                    Councilwoman Manna Jo Greene

                                    Councilman Richard Minissali

                                    Supervisor Patrick McDonough


ALSO PRESENT: Billy Liggan; Tim Morrison; Lee Crummins; Bob Vosper.


PETITIONS: No petitions were presented.


PUBLIC COMMENTS: Billy Liggan gave a reminder that “Rock the River” will take place on Saturday, June 13th from noon to 10:00 pm at 375 Main Street; the Art Squad will also have exhibits at the Bell Tower Glassworks.


MINUTES OF PRIOR MEETINGS:  A motion was made by Councilwoman Greene to accept the minutes of the May 6th, May 13th meetings and Special Meeting May 29th; seconded by Councilman Cluen.  Roll Vote: 5 Yes for the 5/6 & 5/13 minutes; Councilmen Gallagher and Minissali abstained from voting on the 5/29 meeting minutes.


COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilwoman Greene reported that the ZRC is doing a report on Main Street demographics of the business area at the east end; they are developing a survey form which they will soon pass out.  Supervisor McDonough noted that he sent out the contract to Behan (consultant for ZRC) today to be signed.  Councilwoman Greene also stated that she attended the Chamber of Commerce meeting which was very well attended; presentations were given on the “Art Squad” at the Bell Tower; Ulster County Economic Development; and she reported on “Transition Towns”.  The Chamber is doing very well, growing and very active.  Billy Liggan reported that the Chamber will have their BBQ at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, June 17th at Victoria’s Garden on Route 213; they have a social on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.


CORRESPONDENCE: Correspondence is on file at Town Hall.


SUPERVISOR’S FINANCIAL REPORT: Supervisor McDonough read the end balances for the month of May; the report is on file with the Town Clerk.  Councilman Gallagher asked the Supervisor if we have received our mortgage tax money from the County; Supervisor responded “not yet”; he stated that the sales tax receipts were off by 10-15%.


1). ANNOUNCEMENT: Supervisor McDonough stated that we are still seeking a Commissioner for the KAPA; a Commissioner for the Water/Sewer Board; and an alternate member for the Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Appeals.

2). PUBLIC HEARING: The Town Clerk read the notice of public hearing to enter into an agreement for the sale of food and beverages at the Rosendale Pool Concession Stand; the hearing opened at 7:45 pm.  Supervisor McDonough stated that the Town will receive $1500.00 for the season and the lessee will pay utilities; the lease will be for one (1) year with the Town having a renewal option.


7). DISCUSSION: Rosendale Street Festival Site Plan was again reviewed; Billy Liggan highlighted the amendments to the plan from last week; Willow Kiln Park beer area will be enclosed this year; the Main Street “Street Festival Beer Concession” will probably not be enclosed this year but they are working toward it for next year.  Councilman Minissali asked if the Town has the option of closing down the concessions; Supervisor and Billy Liggan responded that “yes, the local police have the discretion”; he also asked if next year the Festival Committee could do an addendum to the Site Plan showing a comparison with other festivals (attendance, cost, revenues) that can be shown to residents and also what the benefits to the Town are from having the Festival.  Billy Liggan listed the stage at Willow Kiln Park which they constructed for Town use; they have been working for 3 years on trying to construct a pedestrian bridge over the Linear Park; they are trying to establish a band scholarship for students in the 3 high schools covered by the Town.  Supervisor McDonough stated that the Festival Committee does a really great job; he also noted that Judge Vosper and Judge Pape provided “volunteers” in lieu of fines last year; Billy noted that some of them are returning this year. 

A motion was presented by Councilman Minissali to accept the Rosendale Street Festival Site Plan; seconded by Councilman Gallagher.  Roll Vote:  5 Yes.


3). RESOLUTION 06-2009-#3 Order for a Public Hearing Regarding Emergency Sewer Repairs.  The resolution calls for setting a public hearing for Wednesday, July 8, 2009 at 7:00 pm at the Rosendale Community Center to consider accepting the plan, report and map and answering questions on said repairs.

A motion was presented by Supervisor McDonough to adopt the resolution setting a public hearing for Emergency Sewer Repairs; seconded by Councilman Gallagher.  Councilman Minissali asked if this was for both water and sewer; Supervisor McDonough responded that it was for sewer only and that Brinier and Larios (engineers) and our bond counsel suggested that if bonding we go for ten (10) year bond.  Councilman Minissali asked if there was any feed-back about possible funding from our government representatives; Supervisor McDonough responded that only Congressman Hinchey responded so far and he stated that he “maybe able to find some money”.  Supervisor McDonough noted that DOT is working on the bridge but is not removing the decking; if delays longer than two (2) weeks it could delay the bridge project.  Councilwoman Greene stated that after much thought she “has no qualms about replacing the 6 inch pipe with a 4 inch pipe; she trusts Terry Johnson’s judgment and that of the engineers (Brinnier and Larios)”.

Roll Vote:

                                    Councilman Cluen                     Yes

                                    Councilman Gallagher   Yes

                                    Councilwoman Greene  Yes

                                    Councilman Minissali                Yes

                                    Supervisor McDonough            Yes


4). RESOLUTION 06-2009-#4 Approving the Sale of Town Property Identified as Tax Parcel Section70.2, Block 2, Lot 7.  The property is located on Mountain Road; a purchase agreement has been negotiated with the Open Space Conservancy, Inc. for $340,000.00, a seven (7) year license agreement which will allow the Town to continue to access 375 cubic yards per year of shale from the shale bank on the Property and grant the Town a right-of-way to allow the Town to continue to sufficiently access its backup water supply.  The sale of the Property has been determined to be an unlisted action pursuant to DEC and a short environmental assessment form (EAF) has been prepared; the sale is subject to a permissive referendum

A motion was made by Supervisor McDonough to adopt the resolution approving the sale of property subject to permissive referendum; seconded by Councilman Cluen.


A discussion took place on the content of the agreement; Supervisor McDonough stated that monies from the sale must be put in a “capital account” not the General Fund.  Councilman Minissali asked if they have their funding in place; Supervisor stated that their first source fell through but they are securing another source, there is a contingency clause.  Councilwoman Greene noted that in the future we should all remember to consult with our Environmental Commission before declaring a Negative Declaration (our land use attorney did review it).  It was also suggested that we receive a copy of the land management plan (Mohonk Preserve) to review their regulation to protect the water shed.

Supervisor McDonough added that he checked into if a permissive referendum is necessary could we get it on the November ballot; he said that the time line would not allow that to happen, we would have to do a special election.

Roll Vote:

                                    Councilman Cluen                     Yes

                                    Councilman Gallagher   Yes

                                    Councilwoman Greene  Yes

                                    Councilman Minissali                Yes

                                    Supervisor McDonough            Yes


5). RESOLUTION 06-2009-#5 Budgetary Transfer.  The resolution is to transfer $3,000.00 from Dog Control PS (A3510.1) to Dog Control CE (A3510.4).  The money is to cover the costs of constructing our dog shelter.

A motion was presented by Supervisor McDonough to adopt the resolution to transfer funds from Dog Control PS (A3510.1) to Dog Control CE (A3510.4); seconded by Councilwoman Greene.  Roll Vote:

                                    Councilman Cluen                     Yes

                                    Councilman Gallagher   Yes

                                    Councilwoman Greene  Yes

                                    Councilman Minissali                Yes

                                    Supervisor McDonough            Yes

A motion was made by Supervisor McDonough to close the public hearing at 8:35 pm; seconded by Councilwoman Greene.  Roll Vote: 5 Yes.


6). RESOLUTION 06-2009-#6 Authorizing Entering into Agreement for the Sale of Food and Beverages at the Concession Stand Adjacent to the Municipal Pool.  The resolution is for an agreement between the Town of Rosendale and T&S Crossroads Deli to operate a concession business while the municipal pool is open between June and Labor Day and a period beyond that date during which recreational activities occur at that site.  Additional terms are set forth in the agreement between the parties which is attached as part of the resolution.

A motion was presented by Supervisor McDonough to adopt the resolution of agreement between the Town of Rosendale and T&S Crossroads Deli; seconded by Councilman Gallagher.  Roll Vote:

                                    Councilman Cluen                     Yes

                                    Councilman Gallagher   Yes

                                    Councilwoman Greene  Yes

                                    Councilman Minissali                Yes

                                    Supervisor McDonough            Yes


Councilwoman Greene advised the Town Board members that there probably will be a need for additional special meetings to deal with the sewer repairs.  Supervisor McDonough stated that we have to spend money for legal fees and grant writing before we receive the grant (we should know in about two weeks or less if we are to receive it) so that we can move forward; the “shovel ready” (plans must be ready) deadline for stimulus money is 1/10/2010; Supervisor McDonough also noted that sewer rates will have to be increased even with the stimulus money.



            GENERAL FUND VOUCHER’S #524-573 TOTALING $24,060.67

            HIGHWAY FUND                      #124-136                     $  4,042.76

            SEWER FUND                            #  77-85                       $  3,032.18

            WATER FUND                           #  74-82                       $   2,655.84

            SPECIAL LIGHT                        #  16-18                       $   1,786.57


A motion was made by Councilman Gallagher to pay the bills; seconded by Councilwoman Greene.  Roll Vote: 5 Yes.


A motion was made by Councilman Minissali to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 pm; seconded by Councilman Cluen.  Roll Vote:  5 Yes.


                                                                                    Respectfully submitted,



                                                                                    Joan S. Jordan

                                                                                    Town Clerk