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July 2, 2009

Chairman Billy Liggan called the meeting to order at 7:35pm at the Rosendale Community Center, Rosendale, NY.



ROLL CALL;         Chairman Billy Liggan-                 Present

                                    Randi Morf -                                        Excused

                                    Jeanne Walsh -                                     Present

                                    Fred Greitzer -                                     Excused

                                    John McEnrue -                                    Present

                                    Peter Perry -                                        Present

                                    Joseph Havranek -                               Present

                                    Nick Mercurio -                                   Present

                                    Dave Plante, C.T. Male Assoc.             Present


Also Present:   Tanya Jurcic- Town Environmental Commission

                        Terry Johnson – Water and Sewer Superintendent




The minutes from June 4, 2009 meeting were reviewed and accepted as written.

Motion made by J.McEnrue, seconded by J. Havranek

Roll Vote: Bill Liggan -Yes, John McEnrue – Yes, Joseph Havranek - Yes, Nick Mercurio - Yes, Peter Perry –Abstained, J. Walsh – Abstained

Motion Carried.


Public Hearing:

Town of Rosendale #2009-3 Minor Subdivision   

Hearing opened @ 7:40 pm

Hearing closed @7:50 pm


Applicant wants to subdivide the 11.5 acres into two parcels and lease the smaller lot of 2.5 acres to the Rosendale Waste /Water District.

Updated maps provided by Patrick McDonough along with a memo from Brinner and Larios that will become part of the application on file.


There were no comments from the Public

Application will be forwarded to County Planning Board for referral

A motion was made to close the Public hearing by B.Liggan, seconded by P. Perry

Roll Vote: Bill Liggan -Yes, John McEnrue – Yes, Joseph Havranek - Yes, Nick Mercurio - Yes, Peter Perry –Yes, J. Walsh – Yes 

Motion Carried

Motion was made by J. Havranek to submit the application for Creek Locks Subdivision to Ulster County Planning Board for referral, seconded by P.Perry

Roll Vote: Bill Liggan -Yes, John McEnrue – Yes, Joseph Havranek - Yes, Nick Mercurio - Yes, Peter Perry –Yes, J. Walsh – Yes 

Motion Carried


Old Business:

WildRose #2006-17 Major Subdivision


Recommendations from the County included adding a bus stop area to the maps, this has been completed

Stormwater management plan reviewed by CT Male, suggestions are the Engineer report should be included in or attached to the Stormwater Agreement to be signed by the homeowners associations


A resolution will be drafted for final approval to include Phase 2; this will be sent to the Planning Board, MaryLou and CT Male

Mike Moriello is looking to have final approval from the Health Dept by the August meeting, he would like to have maps signed instead of a verbal from the Health Dept.


Pape- 2009-2 Site Plan


Packet has been sent to the UCPB for referral, no action can take place until the board receives comments from the county.





Misc. Business:

Memorandum of Agreement between Rosendale Planning Board and the Ulster County Planning Board will be sent to Marylou for review and comments.  .


ZRC Sub committee

J. Havranek suggested forming a ZRC subcommittee to work on code issues. Clerk can add this to the monthly Agenda or schedule workshop meetings as needed. Subcommittee will report back to the ZRC through its representatives on their progress.


Joe suggested that the Subcommittee meet either prior to or after the regular scheduled Planning Board meeting and follow the open law meeting rules.


Nick Mercurio gave the board a summary on the Foresty Seminar he attended. Some concerns that were brought up were the bat population, open space preservation and other concerns involving logging. Nick suggested giving a hand out to applicants applying for logging permits with these concerns.




Motion to adjourn @ 8:45pm by John McEnrue, 2nd by Pete Perry

Roll Vote: Bill Liggan -Yes, John McEnrue – Yes, Joseph Havranek - Yes, Nick Mercurio - Yes, Peter Perry –Yes, J. Walsh – Yes 

Motion Carried


Meeting adjourned @ 8:45 pm


Leslie Treut

Planning Board Clerk