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May 1, 2008


Chairman Billy Liggan called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm at the Rosendale Community Center, Rosendale, NY.


 ROLL CALL:   Chairman, Billy Liggan – Present


                          Randi Morf – Present


                          Jeanne Walsh – Excused


                          Fred Greitzer – Present


                          John McEnrue – Present 


                          Peter Perry – Present


                            Joseph Havranek-Present


  Nick Mercurio-Present


  Charles Voss, C.T. Male Associates, Planning Board Consultant – Present


                            Dave Plante, C.T. Male Associates, Planning Board Consultant - Present




The Draft minutes from the April 3, 2008 meeting and the April 17, 2008 workshop were reviewed. The following amendments were made and the revised and final minutes are on record.


April 3- Meeting


Roll call change Jeanne Walsh to present not absent


Line 8 after the date add the following; for the purpose of additional public comments, including but not limited written concerns and any other concerns to Mr. Rahl’s deed/ right of way claim.


Page 2 line 6 strike the word draft add inquiry to before SHPO.

Page 2 line 30 after Type 2 SEQRE strike not required add determination - the board classified the project as a type II action pursuant to the state Environmental Quality Review Act. Motioned made by Joe Havranek to classify as a Type II action.


Page 2 line 38 change to file RMA with the County Clerk Office.


April 17, Workshop


Page 1 under Public Hearing add the following after numerous people ,including Ken Adian, Ernie Shaw, Alonca Metzger and Mr Anderson voiced their concerns including ground water, wild life, traffic, construction time frame, blasting, fire/police protection, taxes over the project.


Page 1 under Old Business: add Part 2 of the Environmental Assement form was reviewed and completed and read line by line for the record.


Add the following; Determination of Significance


For reasons that are elaborated in detail and in a written form, (see attached Resolution #2008-1), a Motion for a Negative Declaration was made by F.Greitzer and J Havranek-seconded the motion.


Page 2 Line 10 add -Motion carried. Conditional approval granted contingent on all conditions outlined in attached Memo from CT Male dated April 18, 2008 are met within the required time frame for conditional Site plan (set forth in 75-40) approval and prior to any building permits are issued .



April 3 Minutes


P.Perry made the motion to accept the minutes as amended.


N. Mercurio seconded the motion.


Roll Vote: B.Liggan – Yes, Peter Perry - Yes, F. Greitzer – Yes, J.McEnrue – Abstained,


                  J. Havranek– Yes, R. Morf – Yes, N. Mercurio-Yes.


 Motion Carried.



April 17 Workshop minutes


B Liggan made the motion to accept the minutes as amended.


R Morf seconded the motion  Roll Vote: B.Liggan – Yes, Peter Perry - Abstained, F. Greitzer – Yes,


J.McEnrue – Abstained, J. Havranek– Yes, R. Morf – Yes, N. Mercurio-Yes.


 Motion Carried


Misc Business:


Mr. Janeway from the NYDEC introduced himself to the board. He thanked the board and expressed that he looks forward to working with the board in the future


Public Hearing 


Dietz -#2008-2 Major Subdivision


Open April 3,2008 7:50 pm


Closed May 1 ,2008 7:58 pm




Carolee Schneemann- neighbor to the Dietz’s voiced her concerns about the traffic in the area. She also encouraged the building project.


J. Havranek suggested to Mr. Dietz to post signs


Mr. Dietz stated he is willing to post signs for a Pedestrian walkway.


F.Greitzer motioned to close the Public Hearing, P.Perry seconded the motion.


Roll Vote: B.Liggan – Yes, Peter Perry - Yes, F. Greitzer – Yes, J.McEnrue – Yes,


                  J. Havranek– Yes, R. Morf – Yes, N. Mercurio-Yes


Motion Carried


Old Business:


Dietz -#2008-2 Major Subdivision


Fred Greitzer mentioned that the board received a letter from the Town’s Attorney stating there has been no response from Mr.Rahl or his Attorney by the deadline date of May 1, 2008


The Planning Board is going forward with this application

CT Male is requesting pictures of the property and any buildings so they can complete the letter to SHPO.


Ballincurry- #2008-3 Major Subdivision


Stormwater plan needs to be updated to include the recommendations from CT Male’s memo dated April 30, 2008.


EAF will also need to be amended pending the Stormwater changes


Awaiting NYSHPO to respond to the letter dated April 9, 2008 and a copy of the Phase I report


Follow up with DEC



New Business:


Verardi #2008-5 Special Use Permit


Applicant wants to put in an apartment in her dwelling, the board recommends Mrs.Verardi amend her application under town code # 75-28-(D)-(5)-(3).


Site Plan is required under town code 75-40.



Horizon Center -#2008-6- Special Use Permit



Joe Havranek suggested this application be classified, request the planners and the Town Attorney interprets which code this application should be classified.


CT Male will draft a letter to the Town’s Attorney


Once determined which code to follow the application needs to be amended, escrow account established and Site plan filed.



Marbletown Reviews:


Rockcliff House, Four Corners and Sharky’s Garage



J.Havranek motioned to recommend Marbletown Planning Board hold Public Hearings regarding applications that concern Rosendale residents within 250 ft , contact SHPO for historical references to the High Falls Historic District and to notify the Rosendale Planning Board on all findings, motion seconded by F.Greitzer.


Roll Vote: B.Liggan – Yes, Peter Perry - Yes, F. Greitzer – Yes, J.McEnrue – Yes,


                  J. Havranek– Yes, R. Morf – Yes, N. Mercurio-Yes


Motion carried


Planning Clerk will construct a letter with the above concerns and forward to Marbletown Planning Board



F.Greitzer made the motion to adjourn the meeting @ 9:42 p.m.


J Havranek seconded the motion.


Roll Vote: B.Liggan – Yes, Peter Perry - Yes, F. Greitzer – Yes, J.McEnrue – Yes,


                  J. Havranek– Yes, R. Morf – Yes, N. Mercurio-Yes


Motion Carried



Meeting Adjourned


Respectfully Submitted,


Leslie Treut


Planning Board Clerk©