Project size changes


As a result of comments on the project plan as described on 3 May 2011, HRVR made changes to the plan as described on 15 May 2013.  The changes related to project size are summarized here.

Metric Draft Environmental Impact Statement
3 May 2011
Final Environmental Impact Statement
15 May 2013
DEIS -> FEIS % change
Residential units constructed1 160 154 -3.75%
Workforce housing units (rental, included in above numbers) 0 12 +∞
Residential units for sale1 160 142 -11%
Square feet of spa and other amenities 47,4352 39,635 -16.4%
Number of construction 'jobs' (FTE years)3 1,364 1,305 -4.3%
Parking spaces 328 420 +28%
Impermeable surface area, acres 19.8 17.68 -10.7%
Excess cut / fill material, cubic yards 82,568 64,418 -22%
Average daily water usage, gallons 82,683 91,968 +11.2%
Area of disturbance, acres 70.2 66.13 -5.7%
Impervious area, acres 19.8 17.7 -10.6%
Development on slopes >= 25% grade, acres 14.49 9.59 33.8%4


  1. A total of 13 residential units were removed from a sensitive area of the property.  6 were deleted, as shown above, 4 were moved away from the sensitive area to a less sensitive area (FEIS buildings 47, 48, 50, and 52), increasing the housing density in that area, and 3 were combined into unspecified existing structures, i.e. changed from single-family to duplex units (for workforce housing).
  2. The DEIS amenities included a 4,000 square foot grass-slope amphitheater.  If this were removed from the calculations, the DEIS number would be 43,435 square feet and the DEIS -> FEIS change would be -8.7%.
  3. Although HRVR consistently equates an FTE-year to a job, the two are not equivalent.  Further discussion appears on the Construction employment page.
  4. The FEIS claims a reduction in development on steep slopes of 60%, apparently obtained as follows:

    Rather than using percentages as input, the table above shows a comparison using actual acreage, calculated as follows:

Last updated 23 Nov 2013.

Research index