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TOWN OF ROSENDALE                                                            DRAFT


NOVEMBER 9, 2011


The meeting was called to order by Supervisor McDonough at 7:31pm at the Rosendale Community Center with the Pledge to the Flag.

                        PRESENT:         Councilman Robert Gallagher

                                                Councilwoman Manna Jo Greene

                                                Councilman Kenneth Hassett

                                                Councilman Richard Minissali           

                                                Supervisor Patrick McDonough

ALSO PRESENT: Debra Tierney, Dpty. Town Clerk; Jen Metzger, Dpty. Supervisor; Fred Greitzer, Joe Havranek, Jere Brown, Tim Morrison, Planning Board; Dennis Kaye, Econ. Dev.; Tara Burke, Rec. Director; Jack Snyder W/S Comm.;  Rayne Kouhout, Transfer Station; Jeanne Walsh, Bob Ryan, newly elected Town Board members; and about 15 residents.


PETITIONS:  No petitions were presented.


COMMENTS:  Fred Greitzer the Board that his term on the Ulster County Planning Board will end this year(12/31/2011);  the Rosendale Planning Board has recommended, by a motion at their November 3, 2011 meeting, that Jere Brown be appointed as the UC Planning Board member and Fred Greitzer be appointed the Alternate; Fred concurs with this change.  Supervisor McDonough responded that this will be addressed when the appointments are made; Fred asked that the recommendations be made to the Ulster County Legislature in December for continuity.

Supervisor McDonough announced that the Pickle Festival will take place on Sunday, November 20th at the Recreation Center; there will be a Veterans Day Memorial ceremony at 11:00am on Friday, November 11th at the Veterans Park.


MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS:  A motion was made by Councilman Hassett to accept the minutes of the October 5th and 12th meetings as written; seconded by Councilman Minissali.  Roll Vote:  5 Yes.


COMMITTEE REPORTS:  Councilwoman Greene reported that the Planning Board had approved Fred Greitzer’s request to change positions with Jere Brown as representatives to the Ulster County Planning Board; the ZBA and ZRC are working along as usual.

Councilman Gallagher reported that the Highway Department is gearing up for winter; the Justice report is on file with the Town Clerk.

Councilman Minissali reported that the Water Department had a water main break on Sunday which has been repaired; the Environmental Commission held a “Forest Management” program which was well attended.

Councilman Hassett reported that the Recreation minutes are on file with the Town Clerk; everything else is going great; the Transfer Station is doing well as usual and running in the “black”.

SUPERVISOR’S FINANCIAL REPORT:  Supervisor McDonough read the end of month balances for October and stated that the report is on file with the Town Clerk.


APPOINTMENT:  Supervisor McDonough announced that he, Dan Baker and Councilman Hassett interviewed the two candidates for the position of assessor; the choice was Michael Dunham who has done work for the Town previously and has impeccable references.  Mr. Dunham feels that he can do the work on a part-time basis at an annual salary of $28,000 which will be a considerable savings from the present salary; Mr. Dunham will finish the current term of Mr. Baker which runs until February 2014.  Councilman Hassett expressed kudos to Supervisor McDonough for working out the part-time arrangement.

A motion was made by Supervisor McDonough to appoint Michael Dunham as pert-time assessor at $28,000 per year for term ending February 2014; seconded by Councilman Hassett.  Roll Vote: 5 Yes.


1). ANNOUNCEMENT: Both the Rosendale Water/Sewer Commission and the Climate Change Task Force are still seeking volunteer members.


2). RESOLUTION 11-2011-#2 Budgetary Transfers:  The resolution authorizes the following budgetary transfers:

HIGHWAY FUND-Transfer the sum of:

1.      $3,000.00 from General Maintenance EQ(DA5111.2) to Miscellaneous PS(DA5140.1)

2.      $2,567.77 from Machinery EQ(DA5130.2) to Miscellaneous PS(DA5140.1)

3.      $9,000.00 from Employee Benefits Medical Ins.(DA9060.8) to Service to Other Govt(DA5148.4)

SEWER FUND – Transfer the sum of:

1.      $4,000.00 from Treatment/Disp EQ(SS8130.2) to Treatment/Disp CE(SS8130.4)

2.      $   700.00 from Employee Benefits Medical Ins (SS9060.8) to BAN Principal (SS9730.6)


A motion was made by Supervisor McDonough to adopt the resolution to make budgetary transfers; seconded by Councilman Gallagher.  Roll Vote:

                        Councilwoman Greene           Yes

                        Councilman Gallagher                        Yes

                        Councilman Hassett                Yes

                        Councilman Minissali             Yes

                        Supervisor McDonough          Yes


3) RESOLUTION 11-2011-#3 Delinquent Water and Sewer Levies.

A motion was made by Supervisor McDonough to adopt the resolution to authorize 2011 delinquent water/sewer list to be submitted to the County of Ulster for inclusion on the 2012 Tax Levy; seconded by Councilman Hassett.  Roll Vote:

                        Councilman Gallagher                        Yes

                        Councilwoman Greene           Yes

                        Councilman Hassett                Yes

                        Councilman Minissali             Abstained

                        Supervisor McDonough          Yes


4). RESOLUTION 11-2011-#4 Authorizing Agreement with PoliceReports.US, LLC.  The Rosendale Police Department wishes to streamline its services and options to the public for acquiring accident and incident reports; agreement with this company can fulfill those needs and return money to the department on a per report basis.

A motion was made by Supervisor McDonough to authorize him to sign an agreement with PoliceReports.US, LLC to provide accident/incidents reports and other options to the public for the Rosendale Police Department; seconded by Councilman Minissali.  Roll Vote:

                        Councilman Gallagher                        Yes

                        Councilwoman Greene           Yes

                        Councilman Hassett                Yes

                        Councilman Minissali             Yes

                        Supervisor McDonough          Yes


5). RESOLUTION 11-2011-#5 Authorizing Agreement with Island Tech Services.  The Rosendale Police Department wishes to upgrade the antiquated VHS camera system in their vehicles which will better protect officers and the public by entering into an agreement with Island Tech Services to perform the equipment upgrade.

A motion was made by Supervisor McDonough to authorize him to enter into an agreement with Island Tech Services to upgrade the camera system in police vehicles; seconded by Councilwoman Greene.  Roll Vote:

                        Councilman Gallagher                        Yes

                        Councilwoman Greene           Yes

                        Councilman Hassett                Yes

                        Councilman Minissali             Yes

                        Supervisor McDonough          Yes


6). RESOLUTION 11-2011-#6 Separate LOSAP Tax Bill Levy.  The resolution is to authorize Ulster County Real Property to list a separate line item on the 2012 Tax Levy for the Bloomington Fire Protection District LOSAP for a total amount of $72,842.00 district wide which approved by said voters of the district in an April 2011 referendum.

A motion was made by Supervisor McDonough to adopt the resolution authorizing Ulster County Real Property to list as a separate line item the Bloomington Fire Protection District LOSAP on the 2012 Tax Levy; seconded by Councilman Gallagher.  Roll Vote:

                        Councilman Gallagher                        Yes

                        Councilwoman Greene           Yes

                        Councilman Hassett                Yes

                        Councilman Minissali             Yes

                        Supervisor McDonough          Yes


7). RESOLUTION 11-2011-#7  Adopting a Local Law Amending Town Code Chapter 63, TAXATION.  The resolution authorizes the Town of Rosendale the ability to override the NYS mandated tax cap limit on the amount of real property taxes that may be levied by the Town, pursuant to General Municipal Law § 3-c in exceptional circumstances; a public hearing was held on the advisability of the foregoing enactment on November 2, 2011; the action will be Local Law #2 of 2011 “A LOCAL LAW AMENDING CHAPTER 63 “TAXATION” OF THE TOWN OF ROSENDALE CODE AND ADDINGA NEW ARTICLE VII, SECTION 63-29 THROUGH 63-33, ENTITLED “TAX CAP OVERRIDE” THAT COMPLIES WITH HANGES TO THE NEW YORK STATE GENERAL MUNICIPAL LAW”.

A motion was made by Supervisor McDonough to adopt the resolution authorizing the amendment to Rosendale Town Code Chapter 63, TAXATION to allow the override the limit of the NYS mandated tax cap on real property for exceptional circumstances; seconded by Councilwoman Greene.  Roll Vote:

                        Councilman Gallagher                        Yes

                        Councilwoman Greene           Yes

                        Councilman Hassett                Yes

                        Councilman Minissali             Yes

                        Supervisor McDonough          Yes


8). RESOLUTION 11-2011-#8  2012 Budget Adoption.  Supervisor McDonough announced following a Preliminary Budget Public Hearing on November 2, 2011 a final budget of $2,577,840.00 is being presented for adoption which represents a 5.25% increase.  The increase is due largely because the Town must fund the cost of engineering, operation and maintenance for the Rosendale Sewer District, increased electrical costs for all town Lighting Districts, and allow for legally adopted Length of Service Award Program in the Bloomington Fire Protection District; this resolution is being adopted pursuant to subdivision 5 of General Municipal Law § 3-c, which expressly authorizes the town board to override the tax levy limit by adoption of a resolution approved by vote of 60% of the town board.

A motion was made by Supervisor McDonough to adopt the amended preliminary budget for 2012 as the official 2012 Budget; seconded by Councilwoman Greene:  Roll Vote:

                        Councilman Gallagher                        Yes

                        Councilwoman Greene           Yes

                        Councilman Hassett                Yes

                        Councilman Minissali             Yes

                        Supervisor McDonough          Yes

Councilwoman Greene commended the two fire departments that kept their budgets under the 2% cap despite rising costs; Supervisor McDonough explained some of the changes and stated that all non-union town personnel will receive a 1% across the board raise and that the salary for the supervisor and the town board would remain the same as in 2011.

Councilwoman Greene asked if FEMA would be assisting with the James Street problem; Supervisor McDonough stated that they have met with FEMA but nothing is certain at this time.

Supervisor McDonough told Board member that there is a letter in correspondence from the Rosendale Fire Department urging the reopening of James Street as a safety issue; it is the only additional access to Route 32 in an emergency; he stated that he is sure that the Rosendale Police and the other emergency services will urge the same thing.  A short discussion took place regarding possible solutions to the James Street problem; nothing was resolved.



1.      Fri, Nov 11 – Veterans Day, Town Offices Closed

2.      Sun, Nov 20 – International Pickle Festival at Rec Center

3.      Wed, Dec 7, 7:30pm – Town Board Workshop Meeting, Rec Center



            GENERAL FUND VOUCHER’S #972-1007 TOTALING $16,230.11

            HIGHWAY FUND         “           #265-290           “          $20,729.40

            SEWER FUND              “           #176-184           “          $   3,193.10

            WATER FUND             “            #178-185          “          $    1,524.37


A motion was made by Councilman Hassett to pay the bills; seconded by Councilman Gallagher. Roll Vote:  5 Yes.


A motion was made by Councilman Minissali to adjourn at 8:45pm; seconded by Councilwoman Greene.  Roll Vote: 5 Yes.


                                                                                                Respectfully submitted,



                                                                                                Joan S. Jordan

                                                                                                Town Clerk