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APRIL 7, 2010


The meeting was called to order by Supervisor McDonough at 7:30 pm at the Rosendale Community Center with the Pledge to the Flag.


                        PRESENT:      Councilman Robert Gallagher

                                                Councilman Richard Minissali

                                                Councilman  Kenneth Hassett

                                                Councilwoman Manna Jo Greene ( 7:36 pm)

                                                Supervisor Patrick McDonough


                        ALSO PRESENT: Water Superintendent Terry Johnson, Water Commissioners Jack Snyder & Carol St. Rose; Acting Police Chief Perry Soule; and other residents.


APPOINTMENT: A motion was made by Supervisor McDonough to appoint John Visconti to the position of  Part-Time Water /Sewer Trainee, 2nd by Councilman Hassett.

Roll Vote: 4 yes, 1 absent.


1) The Public Hearing on Local Law #1 of 2010 opened at 7:31 pm to amend Town Code Regarding Real Property Exemption for Cold War Veterans. Jack Snyder wanted to know how many veterans in town it would affect. Supervisor McDonough stated that the Assessor told him that other towns around the area have between 6 to 10 veterans. Also that Rosendale only has 1 already taking the County Exemption. Councilman Hassett said that the County had passed their resolution on this exemption in 2008 and took effect in 2009. Supervisor McDonough left the public hearing open and continued on with the meeting.


2) Proclamation for “Turn-Off ” Week: The Supervisor made a motion to declare the week of April 19 -  April 25, 2010, as “ Turn - Off “ Week  which is to encourage our citizens to turn off their televisions and do healthy activities, seconded by Councilman Minissali. Roll Vote: 5 yes.


3) Presentation by Barton and Loguidice, P.C. Consulting Engineers on obtaining grants for Wastewater Treatment Plant.   Glenn Gildaly and Richard Straut spoke about the different grants they have obtained for communities in the area. They stated there is still Federal money available but it is running out. Councilwoman Greene wanted to know if they were aware of the grant we just tried for and did not get. Mr. Gildaly said they were aware and asked if she had requested the reason for denial. Councilwoman Greene said she was trying to get that. Mr. Gildaly stated that he was sure the work that was done would be a solid start for them to work with knowing Councilwoman Greene’s work. Councilwoman Greene mentioned she would prefer to get RFPs from different companies before we just go ahead. Supervisor McDonough motioned he had asked for Barton and Loguidice to attend the meeting tonight and talk about the grants because the Wastewater Plant is in need of this work now and the town does not have the money. Councilwoman Greene wanted to know what the timeline was they were talking about for grants. They stated USDA money is running on a Sept. 30th deadline and we are already behind with the paperwork. Councilwoman Greene wanted to know if it would make sense to brake water/sewer off from the rest of town and just do them.


Supervisor McDonough asked Water Superintendent Terry Johnson if he could speak to the board about Rt.213 and what is happen there. Terry stated that the D.O.T. was going to work with an area 1000 feet along and 6 feet deep so we will be looking at problems more then likely. He wants letters sent to water customers on D.O.T. letterhead stating that there will be interruptions in service. The work is going to move along because they are not going out to bid but doing work themselves. They expect to be done by July. D.O.T. will have to go out to bid later to have the culvert replaced under the road.


Councilwoman Greene wanted to thank Acting Chief Soule for the speed sign and officers on the detour, it has helped a lot. Acting Chief Soule said they have handed out 45 tickets in 4 weeks. He spoke with the Traffic Safety Council about putting a weight limit put on the road but it would have to be done by a resolution and which would take about 3 months and the work would be done by then. Supervisor McDonough stated that we have received good feedback from the community about police presence in the detour area.


Motion by Supervisor McDonough was made to close the PUBLIC HEARING on the Cold War Exemption was made at 8:15 pm, seconded by Councilman Hassett. Roll Vote: 5 yes.


4) Resolution next week to announce a public hearing to Bond for repair to Wastewater Lift Station. Supervisor McDonough asked Water/Sewer Superintendent Johnson to explain what needs to be done. Superintendent Johnson say that it is 32 years old and it needs all new pipes, there is a quote of $10,000 for the work. He wanted to remind the board this is what gets the wastewater to the sewer plant from the other side of the Rondout Creek and if it breaks it will not be good.


5) Resolution next week to enter into a contract for inspection and cleaning of the water tank on Sand Hill; Supervisor McDonough stated it was done 5 years ago and needs to be done again.


6) Resolution next week to enter into a contract for software upgrades for the Building and Planning Departments.


7) Resolution next week to enter into a contract for Electronics Recycling at Transfer Station.


8) Resolution next week to award Bid for Kennel Fencing.  Supervisor McDonough  mentioned that the Girl Scouts are doing a beautification project at the kennel.


9) Resolution next week to Request for Proposals for a Bucket Truck for Highway Department .


10)  Resolution next week to adopt Local Law Amending Town Code Chapter 63, Taxation, exemption for Cold War Veterans.


11) Discussion was held on Franchise Fee Revenue Recovery where the town will receive 50% if any monies are owed to town and the company gets 50%. Councilman Minissali wanted to know about the internet service part if we can get any money there; Supervisor McDonough said he will look into that part. There will be a resolution next week to enter into a contract with Computel Consultants.


12) Discussion was held on Telephone Fee Revenue Recovery where the town receives 50% if any monies are owed to town and the company gets 50%.  There will be a resolution next week to enter into a contract with Phone Review.


13) Discussion was held whether we should extend the deadline for RFPs for the Creek Locks Project; one of the companies is requesting more time. Supervisor McDonough said we have not received any RFPs let. Councilman Hassett asked if any other company other than the 3 the town was going with have shown interest. He also said the board needs to stick with the NO P.I.L.O.T. agreement and is this request for time just a stall tactic.  Councilwoman Greene said she has also been lobbied and feels it is wrong for the companies to meet with one councilperson at a time to sell themselves. Councilman Minissali stated 2 RFPs are always better than 1 so we should go with the extension. Supervisor McDonough said this has to be done by resolution; next week the board will have a resolution to change deadline to May 28, 2010. Question was raised if this was a sign of things to come with changed deadlines; Supervisor McDonough thinks there maybe a ripple effect on the timeline but not after start of project.


Councilwoman Greene wanted some input from town board as to what had happen with Verizon cell tower on town property. Councilman Gallagher stated Verizon wanted to see how the tower out in High Falls worked before they decided to go to other locations. The reason for question was Verizon is in front of Planning Board at this time.


Councilwoman Greene wanted to mention the Keeping Pace with Energy where there is pooled money for taxpayers to do home energy improvements for low interest. She wants town to think about getting involved in the program.


Councilman Gallagher stated that the Environmental Commission owes the town their yearly report; also that the Zoning Code Review is past their deadline. The ZRC went from a deadline of 12 month to 18 month and now the 2 year deadline has been missed.




            GENERAL FUND VOUCHERS                     #267-318  TOTALING  $97,507.34

            HIGHWAY FUND                                         #68-84                          $12,908.93

            SPECIAL LIGHTING FUND  VOUCHERS  # 10-12      TOTALING    $2,109.01

            WATER FUND                                              #50-58                            $3,963.06

            SEWER FUND                                              # 47-52                             $1591.08

            GENERAL FUND ABST.#3 VOUCHERS    # 263-266                          $ 367.00



A motion was made by Councilwoman Greene to pay the vouchers; seconded by Councilman Gallagher. Roll Vote: 5 yes.


A motion was made by Councilman Hassett to adjourn at 9:10 pm; seconded by Councilman Minissali. Roll Vote: 5 yes.



                                                            Respectfully submitted,


                                                            Debra Tierney

                                                            Deputy Town Clerk