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MARCH 3, 2010                             DRAFT


The meeting was called to order by Supervisor McDonough at 7:31 pm at the Rosendale Community Center with the Pledge to the Flag.


                        PRESENT:       Councilman Robert Gallagher

                                                Councilwoman Mann Jo Greene

                                                Councilman Kenneth Hassett

                                                Supervisor Patrick McDonough

                        EXCUSED:      Councilman Richard Minissali

              ALSO PRESENT:     Carl Belfiglio, District 7 Legislator; 2 reporters.


APPOINTMENT: A motion was made by Supervisor McDonough to reappoint Billy Liggan to a seven (7) year term on the Planning Board (also as Chair); and to re-appoint Sarah Charlop-Powers to the Environmental Commission thru 12/31/2012 (she did not take oath in time); seconded by Councilman Hassett.  Roll Vote:

4 Yes, 1 Excused

Also see #8 Appointment by resolution.


Carl Belfiglio introduced himself as the new District 7 Legislator in case anyone didn’t already know him; he resides in the Town of Esopus and was previously on the Esopus Town Council.  He said he wanted to applaud the Town for the Capital projects it has doing or planned to do; he said that Esopus has completed a photovoltaic system on their new Town Hall and are awaiting Central Hudson certification of the installation.  Supervisor McDonough asked whether there was fencing around the panels since they are at ground level; Mr. Belfiglio responded that they are not fenced.  Councilwoman Greene expressed great concern because the panels produce direct current and could be dangerous; she urged that he seek fencing.  Mr. Belfiglio also applauded our “affordable housing initiative” for the Creek Locks Road property; he understood that we are looking for incorporation of a town hall with the project; he warned about the “pilot agreement” clause that could “hinge” the whole project.  Supervisor McDonough responded that the RFQ’s went out there was a stipulation that there would not be a “pilot agreement” for this project. 

Mr. Belfiglio wanted to talk about Ulster County moving to shared services with town highway departments; he was glad that Rosendale participated in the feasibility study; he warned that it would not be shared services it would be individual contracts with each town.  He stated that towns will incur additional expenses such as insurance, additional personnel and the associated costs; each town must be sure that they will be adequately compensated if they sign on because the County is asking for a ten (10) year contract.  Mr. Belfiglio noted that in the 1980’s the County passed a Local Law which makes the County almost harmless for accidents on their roads; you would have to seek similar coverage; he also noted that the Legislature is being told that county highway workers are about the lowest paid in the County with the exception of Hardenburgh which all present found hard to believe; he also noted that if further information is sought, contact Dean Fabiano, Committee Chair for Decentralization or Bob Sudlow.  Councilman Gallagher addressed to Mr. Belfiglio the fact that none of the information is getting to Town Board members; only highway superintendents and supervisors are being provided information and he’s very concerned by this.  Mr. Gallagher also expressed concern that the price being considered from what he has heard is $4500.00 per mile yellow line mile (you have to plow both directions) would already exceed what we would be receiving without consideration of sand, salt.  Discussion and fact-finding will continue before any decision is made as to whether to sign a contract.

On the issue of “senior housing”, Mr. Belfiglio warned that we should look very hard at granting any “pilot agreements” because they can come back to burn you in necessary services; Supervisor McDonough responded that we have already made it clear that we are not entertaining any “pilot agreements”.  Mr. Belfiglio also urged the Town to apply for the Main Street Grants which are available for façade renovations for both business and residential properties.


1). Emergency Plan Up-date:  Copies of the current emergency plan are in member folders to be reviewed; Police Chief Soule has made suggestions after looking over the plan; additional discussion took place including Councilwoman Greene talking about a volunteer group in the Town of Walden who check on seniors and the frail; it was also discussed that cell phone numbers be included in the “chain of command flow chart” so that alternative contact is available.  Additional discussion and work will take place in the near future.


2). Recreation Concession Stand Lease: A discussion about renewing the agreement between the Town of Rosendale and T&S Crossroads Deli for leasing the concession stand for the 2010 season; the first topic was increasing the fee from $1500.00 to $2000.00 rental.  Councilman Hassett noted that there are 1-2 DUSO meets scheduled; there should be the option to bring in other vendors to provide food service during these events (it should be written into the contract).  The documents that must be provided are certificates of insurance, workers compensation, Ulster County Health Dept. certification and inspection report from the Rosendale Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer.


3). Recycling Electronics: Discussion of the recycling of electronics at the Rosendale Transfer Station took place; a fee schedule was provided.  The Town of Rosendale will be working with Ulster County Resource Recovery Agency to facilitate a coordinated venue for disposing of electronics (computers, cell phones, ipods, tvs) which contain hazardous materials.  The Green Disk program will be renewed for the disposal of and recycling of CD’s; DVD’s; 8 track tapes and etc.  Councilman Hassett said that he has spoken with Councilwoman Van Vliet from the Town of Esopus about our Transfer Station; Esopus sub-contracts their station at present but would like to reach out to see how we run ours “in the black”.  Supervisor McDonough stated that he will obtain “feed back” from Rayne Kouhout, Rosendale Recycling Coordinator.


4). Employee Health Care Revision: Supervisor McDonough stated that Town insurance premiums went up 30% this year ($376,000 one year premium).  On March 15th, a representative of the Palmiter Group will meet with employees to explain the MVP Preferred High Deductible EPO Plan which the Town has reviewed as a means of saving money. Under the new plan the Town would pick up the deductibles for employees; the employees will continue to pay a percentage of the premium as they are presently. 


5). Beltane Festival Site Plan:  A copy of the site plan for the Beltane Festival to be held on May 1st, 2010 at Stone Mountain Farm in Tillson was provided to Board members for review; the festival does not have to file a site plan as their attendance falls below the threshold for mass gatherings but they do it as a courtesy and to provide information to the police and emergency responders.

A short discussion followed dealing with the Willow Kiln Park and who has jurisdiction over approving usage of the area; Supervisor McDonough said that it should remain an open park without rental unless it is a “town sponsored event” such as the Street Festival.


6). Resolution next week to announce a public hearing to Amend Town Code Regarding Real Property Exemption for Cold War Veterans.  This was discussed briefly last month and all were in favor of moving forward; the exemption when adopted would not become effective until 2011.


7). Resolution next week to Approve Stipulation of Settlement for Washington Estates.


8). RESOLUTION 3-2010-#1 Appointment of Alternate Member to the Town of Rosendale Planning Board.  A motion was made by Supervisor McDonough to appoint Nick Mercurio as Alternate for the term from March 3, 2010 to February 28, 2011; seconded by Councilwoman Greene.  Roll Vote:

                        Councilman Gallagher   Yes

                        Councilwoman Greene  Yes

                        Councilman Hassett                  Yes

                        Councilman Minissali                Excused

                        Supervisor McDonough            Yes


Councilwoman Greene informed the Board that the ZRC is planning two (2) meetings in the hamlets related to the zoning review for public input; a mailing is going out this week with the schedule and other information.

Ms. Greene also asked how we are going to go from having a consultant (Behan) for zoning review to not having a consultant; she would like to see us hire a consultant (engineer) for grant writing.



            GENERAL FUND VOUCHER’S #163-202 TOTALING $17,158.42

            HIGHWAY FUND                      #  42-44                       $     698.13

            SEWER FUND                            #  28-31                       $     291.29

            WATER FUND                           #  31-35                       $  2,615.88


A motion was made by Councilman Gallagher to pay the bills; seconded by Councilman

Hassett.  Roll Vote: 4 Yes, 1 Excused.


A motion was made by Councilwoman Greene to adjourn the meeting at 9:06 pm; seconded by Councilman Hassett.  Roll Vote:  4 Yes, 1 Excused.


                                                                                                Respectfully submitted,



                                                                                                Joan S. Jordan

                                                                                                Town Clerk